Software Registration & Configuration

Customize TRIMS to meet your particular needs.

Configuration Editor

Access configuration options, user defined data field labels and the import control files.

Erase Data Files

Erase different sections of the system very quickly and effortlessly if the need should arise.

Passwords & Access Privileges

Assign, change or disable Passwords and Access Privileges for each user giving them Read/Write, No Deletion, Read Only or No Access rights to selected TRIMS functions. 

Internet Setup

Setup gives you direct access to TRIMS Expert Programming and Technical Support.

File Backup & Restore

Backup copies of TRIMS Data Files are easily made and restored to insure against loss of data in event of computer failure or operator error. TRIMS Backup Reminder feature will alert you the number of days since your last backup or you can setup an Automatic Backup to the TRIMS File Server.

Examine Data Files

View the individual records contain within each Data File.

File Rebuild & Compaction

Use this function to compact files and remove blank space left by deleted items to speed up the time it takes to backup your data.

Custom Report Writer

Extract information quickly and easily from your system's database file to create customized reports and provides you with a powerful "ad hoc" query that will enable you to verify the contents of a database file.