Architecture of the Afghan Hound
by Barb Bornstein


Hang Loose... No Bones About it!

First published in 1983, ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFGHAN HOUND continues its worldwide success. The most informative book ever written on the Afghan Hound Standard as adopted by the Afghan Hound Club of America in 1948. ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFGHAN HOUND stands the test of time.

Book Review

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Reprinted From The Afghan Hound Review
May/June 1996

When you pick up a book on Afghan Hounds and discover that Ed Gilbert, Jr., co-author of The Complete Afghan Hound and Michael Canalizo have lent their personal endorsement to a book, you know you have found something special.

If you are a newcomer to the Afghan Hound breed, or even if you need clarification of portions of the Afghan Hound Standard of Points, Architecture of the Afghan Hound is the book for you! Breed books cover history, breeders, top winning dogs, plenty of photographs and sections on care and training. You won’t find any of that in this book by Barb Bornstein. Architecture differs from all other breed books because it deals only with the Standard for the breed.

Bornstein has spent years studying skeletal structure and its interaction with the supporting musculature. Her knowledge is very obvious and her ability to explain it in understandable language is refreshing. The author uncovers the subtle relationship between the anatomy that underlies the descriptions in the breed Standard and the optical illusions we perceive. Bornstein begins with the Afghan Hound breed Standard printed in its entirety as a spring board, then goes into each section of the breed Standard to examine and dissect it. This approach allows you to examine the Afghan Hound skeletal system bone by bare bone, to rebuild the dog from the inside out, to crawl into the corners of the Afghan Hound’s anatomy and brain and see what makes it tick. Architecture of the Afghan Hound is an in depth look at the Standard.

Architecture is a stimulating look at the Afghan Hound as a complete dog. This book brings us back to what the Afghan Hound is all about, his anatomy, his movement and his metal ability. Bornstein has the ability to communicate knowledge clearly. She takes a fact from the Standard, which everyone in the breed should know, adds another fact gathered from years of extensive study and careful observation, and provides her readers with thought-provoking ideas.

First published in 1983 Architecture has recently been reprinted. An afterword has been added in this latest reprint with emphasis on stripping and trimming the Afghan Hound coat. Bornstein feels strongly on the subject and presents valid criticism against coat tampering. She comments that “Today, too many exhibitors enter show ring competition armed with scissors and stripping knives instead of the Official Afghan Hound Standard.” Exhibitors and breeders will have to ask themselves some serious questions about show ring presentation versus the preservation of the breed.

You will also find humor in this book and bonus discussions on grooming hints, Afghan Hound temperament and a clear discussion on gait. Architecture of the Afghan Hound uses canine anatomy as the key to unlocking the meanings of the breed Standard language. Every breed should have an “architecture” book as a reference guide to its Standard. This breed has one!


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